10 Things I would tell my 16 year old self
- That heart break and bitterness you're feeling? It won't always consume you. I promise you'll heal.
- Don't focus so much on having a guy. There are bigger things in life.
- Find a way to learn Tagalog for your foreign language, and become fluent in it. You'll be thankful later.
- Be a better friend. I know life isn't super easy for you right now, but you"ll learn a lot from pouring out love on others even when you're hurting.
- Get your dang license. Seriously. And don't let mom and Papa skimp on the lessons of driving in the city.
- Confide in Kt and Becky. They seriously care and they give really good advice.
- Get a job, and start saving your money. The work experience will be great, and you"ll be thankful for the money stowed away.
- Take an interest in cooking. It'll get you to eat healthier and make your life easier in the future.
- Discover the love of your heavenly father, and allow that to kennel a passionate love for Him.
- When you do Willy Wonka in a year? Don't pay any attention to Wes, but make friends with his girlfriend, you'll be glad you did on both accounts.
<3 - J